Rocky Mountain High

6.3.2018 The Biosphere Reserve - the Highest Point of the Cajas National Park

Tres Cruces (three crosses) is a natural viewpoint on the border of the Manu Biosphere Reserve. During the months of June and July (winter solstice), the light from the sunrises passes through the humid atmosphere and distorts it like a prism - making it appear as if there are 3 suns - one which jumps from one side to the other.

On our way back to Quito, we stop at a local family farm in Guayaquil where we learn about the production of rice, cacao (cocoa plants), mangoes and other citrus.

Cacao pods

Premium cacao pods.

Inside the cacao - soft white morsels that are fairly tasty and tart 
(just suck them - DO NOT chew)!

Heating up the beans.

Smashing the shells before grinding into unsweetened chocolate paste.


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