Reflections on Peru and Ecuador...

6.4.18 Reflections on Peru & Ecuador... Most interesting species in the Galapagos...the double-beaked Nazca booby. (Photo by Tim Churton) I enjoyed Ecuador much more than Peru for many reasons: - cleaner, especially Quito compared to Lima - slightly less traffic, but much more concentrated in a much smaller square mile area in Quito (laying on the horn constantly about equal in both locations - those earplugs came in handy) - more varied adventures on land and sea in Ecuador (the Andes, the Amazon, Galapagos) - Ecuador uses US dollars so no currency conversions - healthier, more varied diet in Ecuador instead of potatoes 3,000 different ways (Peru meals had at least 2 types of potatoes - sometimes 3 during a 3-course meal) - except for the first hotel in Lima, the coffee in Ecuador was much better This was a great group to travel with. Lots of laughter, shared challenges and wonderful adventure. (Photo credits to MacBeth, Tim, Kim, Tammy and Elton...